Speaking Engagements
CTC Therapists have a wide range of experience in teaching, presenting, supervising, and consulting. We can provide presentations and/or consultations at your school, mom’s group, or organization.
Preventing Child Abuse
Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n Roll: Talking to Your Kids about Difficult Topucs
Keeping Kids Safe: Practical Strategies for Parents Who Want to Protect Their Kids
Parenting and Self-Care: Practical Strategies for Busy Moms
Parenting and Self-Care: Practical Strategies for Busy Parents
Self-Care Tools for Difficult Times: Self Compassion for Parents
The Power of Connection: With the Moment, Oneself, Our Heart, and Others Connect
Child Abuse Prevention
Child Sexual Abuse: A Training For Child Educators To Identify And Report Abuse.
Self-Care and Mindfulness Tools for Teachers
Mindfulness and Self Compassion for Teachers
The Power of Connection: With the Moment, Oneself, Our Heart, and Others Connect
Self-Care Tools for Difficult Times: Self Compassion
Understanding and Transforming Vicarious Trauma/Compassion Fatigue
Helping the Helpers- Managing Trauma Exposure Response or Vicarious Trauma
Self-Care Tools for Difficult Times: Self Compassion for Therapists
The Importance of Resiliency and Healing for Helping Professionals: A Workshop to Help Examine and Prevent Vicarious Trauma
Self-Care Mindful Somatic Interventions
Taking Care: Working with Vicarious Trauma and Burnout
Vicarious Trauma in Attorneys
Helping The Helpers-Managing Trauma Exposure Response Or Vicarious Trauma
Self-Care Tools for Difficult Times: Self Compassion for Therapist
Taking Care: Working with Vicarious Trauma and Burnout
The Importance of Resiliency and Healing for Therapists: A Workshop to Help Therapists Examine and Prevent Vicarious Trauma
Therapist Self-Care Mindful Somatic Interventions
Trauma Informed Care
Vicarious Trauma
Understanding And Transforming Vicarious Trauma
Understanding and Working with Countertransference
Body-Oriented Psychotherapy
Somatic Experiencing
NARM (Neuro-Affective Relational Model)
Acceptance And Commitment Therapy: A Brief Introduction
EMDR: A Brief Intro
Understanding How Cultural And Societal Issues Impact The Well-Being Of Families
Teaching Diversity In The 21st Century: Managing Hot Moments While Keeping Your Cool
Cultural Issues And Sexual Abuse: Developing A Conceptual Framework To Understand The Experience Of Child Sexual Abuse
Cultural Issues And Child Sexual Abuse: An Examination Of The Impact Of Culture On Child Sexual Abuse And Strategies For Addressing Culture In Treatment
Cultural Issues In The Disclosure Of Child Sexual Abuse: A Conceptual Framewor
White Racial Identity And Cultural Competence
Trauma In The Lives Of Children
Making The Most Of Your Supervision: Reflections On Enhancing Your Professional Development.
Supervision 101: Learning To Supervise